Monday, October 10, 2011

Occupy Wall Street vs. The Tea Party

Occupy Wall Street vs. The Tea Party on CNN

Here is a clip from Washington Week;


1. Could this be the left's version of the tea party

2. They have a great slogan, "We are the 99%"

3. The movement is grassroots. Big money came into the tea party just as the unions are coming into the wall street protests now but the 'left is never as good as the right at this stuff'.

4. "What the tea party did was really big and really hard".

5. The tea party movement was aimed at the ballot box while this one is more about grievances so far.

Answer to 5. = See CNN clip above, people from the left are beginning to move in to take advantage of the movement.

Answer to 2. = Yes.

Answer to 1. = No. The Tea Party had Fox News support from the start while for the Wall Street protests there was a media blackout (i.e. it was ignored till it couldn't be ignored anymore)...

More evidence of Fox News being involved in the creation of The Tea Party...

Fox News/Republicans have started attacking the Wall Street protestors and this will probably increase, just take a look at the hypocrisy over violent rhetoric...

Answer to 3 and 4.
= To do what the Tea Party did you must learn from them and use their techniques (to a degree, leave out the violent rhetoric)

In politics, messaging is everything

Note about 3 mins 20 seconds into above video: Frank Luntz - re-framed estate tax as death tax + Healthcare reform as 'government takeover of healthcare' - "Spin doctor who manipulates public emotion but Luntz would reframe that as Fox News Analyst" Stephen Colbert

One of the strategists of Fox News/GOP (see money trail here), Frank Luntz, explains...

Tips on the following topics from above video:

1. Body language tips,
2. Handling audience tips,
3. Creating a more positive phrase for 'drilling for oil' became 'energy exploration'. (inaccuracy doesn't matter as long as there is a sliver of fact - KISS principle, i.e'. keep it simple stupid),
4. 'climate change' as opposed to 'global warming' ,
5. 'simple truth' (not a lie as it contains a sliver of fact!),
6. 'you decide' to lock in the last manipulative phrase (most of the viewers decisions are based on the views of who they trust... even the books they read ), 7. 'buzz words' - words that people focus on opposed to facts,
8. Use 'simple truth' only once in a discussion or article ?,
9. A criminal getting caught should apologize 3 times, "I'm sorry, I made a mistake, forgive me'
10. Uses the sighing gesture in an interesting way... separating interview reality from fox news manipulations realities,
11. Frank Luntz is marketing a book, which is why he is exposing fox news/tea party secrets... we should get more fox news 'analysts' to write books! . [fox news interview is here - Learn from this book for political success.

Words like 'imagine' and 'real time' and other words/tactics used by Frank Luntz above, I first encountered when I started studying hypnosis about 13-14 years ago. Some further research links...

From Wikipedia "The Milton Model lists the key parts of speech and key patterns that are useful in directing another person's line of thinking by being "artfully vague", and in principle the model states that larger chunks (more general use of language) can lead to more rapport, while smaller chunks, (more specific language) is more limiting and has a greater chance of excluding concepts from a person's experience."

From my website "Hypnosis is one of the most misunderstood methods in the world. Hollywood movies have created an impression amongst most people that a hypnotist can control minds. That is simply not true." - [Note: controlling mind vs. manipulating minds using various social factors is a different phenomenon but studying hypnosis and NLP helps us understand them - about NLP].

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